David Mixner, a longtime LGBTQ+ activist and adviser to Bill Clinton during his presidential campaign, passed away at the age of 77.

Mixner played a crucial role in challenging the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy regarding LGBTQ+ personnel in the military, despite initially advising Clinton.

He was a founding member of the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, which supports political candidates from the community.

Mixner was a significant figure in Los Angeles politics and the gay rights movement, known for his fundraising prowess and ability to unite people for liberal causes.

Mixner's activism extended beyond politics, as he advocated for LGBTQ+ rights and visibility in various spheres of society.

He was deeply involved in grassroots organizing, using his influence to mobilize support and effect change.

Mixner's legacy lives on through his contributions to LGBTQ+ advocacy and his impact on political movements for equality.

His passing is mourned by the LGBTQ+ community and allies, who recognize his significant role in advancing civil rights and social justice.