Dengue Fever: What You Need To Know About The Mosquito-Borne Threat Surging Worldwide

Dengue, known as "breakbone fever," is caused by viruses transmitted through the bites of infected female Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, prevalent in various regions, including parts of the US

Approximately 400 million people contract dengue annually, with half the global population residing in at-risk areas, leading to substantial health burdens and economic costs

While most cases exhibit mild or asymptomatic symptoms resembling the flu, severe dengue affects 1 in 20 individuals, potentially resulting in life-threatening complications such as internal bleeding and organ damage

Treatment primarily involves supportive care, as there is no specific antiviral medication for dengue, emphasizing rest, hydration, and fever management to alleviate symptoms.

Without proper medical intervention, severe dengue can have a mortality rate as high as 20%, highlighting the critical importance of access to healthcare in reducing fatalities.

Dengue outbreaks, like the recent surge in Brazil, underscore the urgent need for vaccination campaigns and mosquito control measures to mitigate transmission and prevent further fatalities.

Dengue's prevalence has increased dramatically in recent decades, fueled by factors like climate change and urbanization, posing challenges for public health systems worldwide.

Despite recent advancements in vaccine development, including options for both previously infected and uninfected individuals, ongoing surveillance and research are essential to combat the evolving threat of dengue.